Of course. We guarantee that we will perform strict tests on every power amplifier before shipping it out of the factory. High-quality products and service are the things we are the proudest of. At Guangzhou KAIXU Audio Equipment Co., Ltd, quality control conforming to the international standard goes throughout the whole process from raw materials selection, manufacturing, to product packaging. We have established a team of quality inspectors, some of whom are highly knowledgeable and others are experienced and very familiar with both the national and international quality standards of the industry.
KAIXU has been considered as one of the most powerful and competitive manufacturers of . We have gained years of experience. The the best amplifier series is one of the main products of . Every KSA best power amps for live sound is guaranteed by a series of processes including the selection of the purest raw materials, accurate and rigorous prototyping and the strictest internal sanitary ware quality controls. Its maximum power handling per-channel is high enough to ensure rich sound. Multiple cases have shown that wearing this product will significantly increase people's appearance performance and heighten others' impressions of people. Its maximum power handling per-channel is high enough to ensure rich sound.
We care about our environment. We have involved ourselves in protecting it. We have formulated and executed many plans to reduce carbon footprints and pollution during our production stages. For example, strictly handle gases pollution using professional equipment.